Monday, 11 November 2013

NATONAL CONSULTANT - GENRE ET HUMANITAIRE, Yaoundé, avec mission sur le terrain

Closing Date: Friday, 15 November 2013
More vacancies from:

Location :
Yaoundé, avec mission sur le terrain, CAMEROON
Application Deadline :
Type of Contract :
Individual Contract
Post Level :
National Consultant
Languages Required :
English French
ONU Femmes est l'entité des Nations Unies pour l'égalité des sexes et l'autonomisation des Femmes. L'organisation défend ardemment la cause des femmes et des filles et leur permet de mieux se faire entendre aux niveaux mondial, régional et local. ONU femmes est opérationnel au Cameroun depuis 3 ans et travaille dans les domaines suivants : (i) leadership et promotion politique des femmes, (ii) renforcement des capacités économique des femmes, (iii) lutte contre les violences basées sur le Genre, (iv) planification et budgétisation sensible au Genre. Dans le cadre de la réponse à apporter à la situation des réfugiés et personnes déplacées, les agences des nations Unies comme le HCR, le PAM, UNICEF, l'UNFPA, le PNUD, l'OMS mènent plusieurs initiatives dans le pays en accompagnement au Gouvernement. Pour systématiser et surtout s'inscrire dans une approche de « One UN » et pour venir en appui à la coordination des Nations Unies, ONU Femmes se propose de coordonner l'élaboration d'un programme sur l'intégration des besoins spécifiques et pratiques des femmes dans la réponse humanitaire conjointe des Nations Unies.
Duties and Responsibilities
Le/la consultance en Genre et humanitaire aura pour mission d'appuyer à l'élaboration d'un document de programme/ projet sur l'intégration du genre dans la réponse humanitaire au Cameroun. De façon spécifique, la mission devra:
  • Faire une évaluation rapide de la situation des femmes et filles réfugiés dans les trois zones d'accueils notamment la situation des violences sexuelles et sexistes, la participation des femmes réfugiés à la prise de décision les concernant;
  • Evaluer la prise en compte du Genre dans le plan de contingence et la réponse nationale;
  • Elaborer une réponse d'assistance d'ONU femmes en lien avec les initiatives en cours;
  • Appuyer l'élaborer une réponse globale d'appui des Nations Unies à la lutte contre les violences basées sur le Genre intégrant la situation des femmes et filles réfugiés;
  • Appuyer à la formation des acteurs humanitaire sur la notation Genre, l'intégration du Genre dans les groupes humanitaire/d'urgence existante;
  • Appuyer à l'organisation de la rencontre des partenaires.
A la fin de la consultation, les produits attendus sont:
  • Un rapport d'évaluation des besoins en Genre est disponible;
  • Un document de projet pilote définissant les axes d'intervention, les moyens humains et matériels nécessaires à même de permettre la mise en œuvre du programme/projet y compris le cadre de suivi et évaluation.
  • Faire preuve de cohérence dans la défense et la promotion des valeurs de la femme des Nations Unies dans les actions et décisions, en conformité avec le Code de conduite des Nations Unies.
Sensibilité diversité culturelle / valorisation:
  • Démontrer une compréhension de la nature multiculturelle de l'organisation et de la diversité de son personnel. Démontrer une perspective internationale, apprécier les différences dans les valeurs et l'apprentissage de la diversité culturelle.
Compétences Core: Gestion axée sur les résultats:
  • Planifie et produit des résultats de qualité pour atteindre les objectifs fixés, génère des solutions novatrices et pratiques aux situations difficiles;
  • Éthique et valeurs: Démonstration / sauvegarde d'éthique et d'intégrité.
Connaissance de l'organisation:
  • Démontrer une connaissance des entreprises et leur discernement;
  • Le développement et l'autonomie des personnes / coaching et le mentorat : la prise d'initiative, encadrement et la capacité de mentorat.
Travail en équipe:
  • Agissant comme un joueur d'équipe et de faciliter le travail en équipe.
Communiquer des informations et des idées:
  • Faciliter et encourager la communication ouverte dans l'équipe, communiquer efficacement;
L'auto- gestion et l'intelligence émotionnelle:
  • Créer des synergies grâce à la maîtrise de soi;
  • Gestion des conflits / négociation et résoudre les désaccords;
  • La gestion des conflits.
Partage des connaissances / Apprentissage continu:
  • l'apprentissage et le partage des connaissances et d'encourager l'apprentissage des autres.
Required Skills and Experience
  • Maitrise (BAC+4) en science sociale, juridique et économique ou tout autre diplôme équivalent.
  • Minimum 5 ans d'expérience en Genre, humanitaire avec une bonne maitrise de l'environnement national sur les questions de paix et sécurité;
  • Bonne expérience en planification stratégique, développement des programmes et projet
  • Expérience pratique dans la gestion des programmes/projets humanitaire, spécialement d'assistance aux femmes réfugiés/déplacées;
  • Avoir au moins 3 années de pratique pour les programmes de lutte contre les violences basées sur le Genre
  • Bonne connaissance des enjeux humanitaire du pays;
  • Avoir déjà travaillé avec d'autres agences des Nations Unies est un atout.
  • Français, l'Anglais est un atout..
Comment Appliquer Le dossier comportera: Un document d'au plus 10 pages comportant:
  • Contexte et justification (1 page);
  • Bref aperçu sur la situation humanitaire au Cameroun (2 page);
  • Appréciation des zones d'intervention et cibles (sur la base connaissance du domaine dans le pays) (1 page); Objectifs (1/2 de page);
  • Résultats attendus (1/2 page); Méthodologie détaillée (3 pages);
  • Chronogramme (1 page) ; Expérience passée et avantage comparatif de la candidate ou du candidat (1 page);
  • UN CV détaillé.
Les personnes intéressées sont appelées à constituer et poster un dossier de candidature sur le site du PNUD et à l'adresse suivante : Pour appliquer sur le site du PNUD, veuillez scanner tous les documents requis et en faire un seul document que vous téléchargez. FC/ 71 310
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

NATONAL CONSULTANT - GENRE ET HUMANITAIRE, Yaoundé, avec mission sur le terrain

Closing Date: Friday, 15 November 2013
More vacancies from:

Location :
Yaoundé, avec mission sur le terrain, CAMEROON
Application Deadline :
Type of Contract :
Individual Contract
Post Level :
National Consultant
Languages Required :
English French
ONU Femmes est l'entité des Nations Unies pour l'égalité des sexes et l'autonomisation des Femmes. L'organisation défend ardemment la cause des femmes et des filles et leur permet de mieux se faire entendre aux niveaux mondial, régional et local. ONU femmes est opérationnel au Cameroun depuis 3 ans et travaille dans les domaines suivants : (i) leadership et promotion politique des femmes, (ii) renforcement des capacités économique des femmes, (iii) lutte contre les violences basées sur le Genre, (iv) planification et budgétisation sensible au Genre. Dans le cadre de la réponse à apporter à la situation des réfugiés et personnes déplacées, les agences des nations Unies comme le HCR, le PAM, UNICEF, l'UNFPA, le PNUD, l'OMS mènent plusieurs initiatives dans le pays en accompagnement au Gouvernement. Pour systématiser et surtout s'inscrire dans une approche de « One UN » et pour venir en appui à la coordination des Nations Unies, ONU Femmes se propose de coordonner l'élaboration d'un programme sur l'intégration des besoins spécifiques et pratiques des femmes dans la réponse humanitaire conjointe des Nations Unies.
Duties and Responsibilities
Le/la consultance en Genre et humanitaire aura pour mission d'appuyer à l'élaboration d'un document de programme/ projet sur l'intégration du genre dans la réponse humanitaire au Cameroun. De façon spécifique, la mission devra:
  • Faire une évaluation rapide de la situation des femmes et filles réfugiés dans les trois zones d'accueils notamment la situation des violences sexuelles et sexistes, la participation des femmes réfugiés à la prise de décision les concernant;
  • Evaluer la prise en compte du Genre dans le plan de contingence et la réponse nationale;
  • Elaborer une réponse d'assistance d'ONU femmes en lien avec les initiatives en cours;
  • Appuyer l'élaborer une réponse globale d'appui des Nations Unies à la lutte contre les violences basées sur le Genre intégrant la situation des femmes et filles réfugiés;
  • Appuyer à la formation des acteurs humanitaire sur la notation Genre, l'intégration du Genre dans les groupes humanitaire/d'urgence existante;
  • Appuyer à l'organisation de la rencontre des partenaires.
A la fin de la consultation, les produits attendus sont:
  • Un rapport d'évaluation des besoins en Genre est disponible;
  • Un document de projet pilote définissant les axes d'intervention, les moyens humains et matériels nécessaires à même de permettre la mise en œuvre du programme/projet y compris le cadre de suivi et évaluation.
  • Faire preuve de cohérence dans la défense et la promotion des valeurs de la femme des Nations Unies dans les actions et décisions, en conformité avec le Code de conduite des Nations Unies.
Sensibilité diversité culturelle / valorisation:
  • Démontrer une compréhension de la nature multiculturelle de l'organisation et de la diversité de son personnel. Démontrer une perspective internationale, apprécier les différences dans les valeurs et l'apprentissage de la diversité culturelle.
Compétences Core: Gestion axée sur les résultats:
  • Planifie et produit des résultats de qualité pour atteindre les objectifs fixés, génère des solutions novatrices et pratiques aux situations difficiles;
  • Éthique et valeurs: Démonstration / sauvegarde d'éthique et d'intégrité.
Connaissance de l'organisation:
  • Démontrer une connaissance des entreprises et leur discernement;
  • Le développement et l'autonomie des personnes / coaching et le mentorat : la prise d'initiative, encadrement et la capacité de mentorat.
Travail en équipe:
  • Agissant comme un joueur d'équipe et de faciliter le travail en équipe.
Communiquer des informations et des idées:
  • Faciliter et encourager la communication ouverte dans l'équipe, communiquer efficacement;
L'auto- gestion et l'intelligence émotionnelle:
  • Créer des synergies grâce à la maîtrise de soi;
  • Gestion des conflits / négociation et résoudre les désaccords;
  • La gestion des conflits.
Partage des connaissances / Apprentissage continu:
  • l'apprentissage et le partage des connaissances et d'encourager l'apprentissage des autres.
Required Skills and Experience
  • Maitrise (BAC+4) en science sociale, juridique et économique ou tout autre diplôme équivalent.
  • Minimum 5 ans d'expérience en Genre, humanitaire avec une bonne maitrise de l'environnement national sur les questions de paix et sécurité;
  • Bonne expérience en planification stratégique, développement des programmes et projet
  • Expérience pratique dans la gestion des programmes/projets humanitaire, spécialement d'assistance aux femmes réfugiés/déplacées;
  • Avoir au moins 3 années de pratique pour les programmes de lutte contre les violences basées sur le Genre
  • Bonne connaissance des enjeux humanitaire du pays;
  • Avoir déjà travaillé avec d'autres agences des Nations Unies est un atout.
  • Français, l'Anglais est un atout..
Comment Appliquer Le dossier comportera: Un document d'au plus 10 pages comportant:
  • Contexte et justification (1 page);
  • Bref aperçu sur la situation humanitaire au Cameroun (2 page);
  • Appréciation des zones d'intervention et cibles (sur la base connaissance du domaine dans le pays) (1 page); Objectifs (1/2 de page);
  • Résultats attendus (1/2 page); Méthodologie détaillée (3 pages);
  • Chronogramme (1 page) ; Expérience passée et avantage comparatif de la candidate ou du candidat (1 page);
  • UN CV détaillé.
Les personnes intéressées sont appelées à constituer et poster un dossier de candidature sur le site du PNUD et à l'adresse suivante : Pour appliquer sur le site du PNUD, veuillez scanner tous les documents requis et en faire un seul document que vous téléchargez. FC/ 71 310
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Help Identify Relevant Networks and Activities for GMM to Promote her Developmental Activities, home-based (online volunteer

GMM provides tools to the underprivileged in Cameroon for a sustainable livelihood. This is experienced in the lives of underprivileged children, women and a sustainable livelihood for the youths. We are looking for volunteers who will help identify networks and platforms where GMM will use to promote her activities. Volunteers will identify these platforms and advised on how GMM can utilize them to expose and promote her activities in Cameroon.
Volunteers will work on the project until December 2013. Volunteers may work as a team or individually. Communication will largely be through email and skype but sometimes on phone. Volunteers are not expected to donate but to promote the program. They may either be French or English speaking.
Number of volunteers: 10
GMM has been working since 2007 providing tools and means to the underprivileged for a sustainable livelihood..
OBJECTIVE: Combat poverty, hassle free education for the children, improving in living standards of rural families.
Region or country: Cameroon
Development topic: Integration of marginalized groups
REQUIREMENTS: Project Facilitation, Research skills
Areas of expertise: None in particular
Languages: English, French
Hours per week: 1-5
Duration in weeks :7

Security and Operations Manager - Private Sector Growth in Nigeria (MADE)

POST WMO Representative for North, Central and West Africa
DUTY STATION Abuja, Nigeria with possibility of relocation
COMMENCEMENT OF DUTY 15 March 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter
NATURE OF APPOINTMENT Fixed-term of two years with possibility of renewal pending satisfactory performance after an initial probationary period of one year, which can be extended up to a maximum of two years
Regional Office for Africa Development and Regional Activities (DRA) Department DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (see reverse side)
Applications from suitably qualified female and male candidates are equally welcome. The statutory retirement age after 1 January 2014 is 65. For external applicants, only those who are expected to complete the term of appointment will normally be considered.
  • Advanced university degree in meteorology, hydrology or climatology, atmospheric sciences or a closely related field. Additional training in international cooperation and project management would be an advantage.
  • Experience At least eight years of national and international progressively responsible experience in management, preferably in a National Meteorological Service or a related environmental institution. Knowledge of United Nations structures and working processes.
  • Good understanding of WMO. Record of participation in WMO meetings, workshops or working groups would be an advantage.
  • Experience in planning and organizing meetings, in developing, implementing and managing projects and programmes at the regional, national and international levels, including capacity building programmes and resource mobilization initiatives.
  • Other requirements Sense of responsibility, maturity of judgement and initiative.
  • Ability to plan, organize and manage.
  • Ability to maintain discussions with Senior National Officials of the Region. Strong sense of diplomacy and tact are required.
  • Awareness of the needs of Members in the Region; knowledge of WMO Programmes and evolving development policies.
  • Good knowledge of project formulation and project management.
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office applications.
  • Good communication skills and strong focus on strategic and operational planning and international relations.
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment.
  • Excellent knowledge of English and French and a good working knowledge of the other official languages of the Organization would be an advantage. (Note: the working languages of the WMO Secretariat are English and French.
  • The official languages of the Organization are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.)
The Secretary-General may appoint a candidate at a grade below the advertised grade of the post, with the possibility of promotion to that grade within three years of appointment, subject to satisfactory appraisal of performance.
Annual net base salary on initial appointment is US$ 72,467 for staff members with dependants US$ 67,483 for staff members without dependants Annual post adjustment on initial salary is US$ 55,582 for staff members with dependants US$ 51,759 for staff members without dependants This post adjustment, which is subject to change without notice, is paid in addition to the net basic salary.
Applications should be made on the WMO Personal History Form (forms from other UN agencies will not be accepted), which may be obtained from the WMO Secretariat on request or downloaded from the Internet at and should be addressed under confidential cover to: The Chief, Human Resources Division, World Meteorological Organization, P.O. Box 2300, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Do not send your application via multiple routes. Due to the expected volume of applications, receipt of applications cannot be acknowledged individually. Only applicants in whom WMO has a further interest will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit a written test and/or an interview. Date of issue of vacancy notice: 4 November 2013
Under the guidance of the Director, Offices for Africa and Least Developed Countries and the overall supervision of the Director, Development and Regional Activities (DRA) Department, the incumbent will perform the following duties:
(a) Contribute to the implementation of resource mobilization activities within the subregion and the promotion of resource mobilization activities of the WMO Offices in coordination with other technical departments and through collaboration with regional and international organizations, including regional development partners;
Assist Members in the subregion in the preparation of Strategic Development Plans, identification of requirements and resources for the further strengthening and development of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and in the formulation of relevant project proposals and implementation of these projects in support of the Services, and to maintain updated country profiles;
Participate in the organization of sessions of Regional Association I and follow-up actions in the implementation of decisions with regard to the implementation of the Regional Programme in the subregion. Contribute to the preparation of documents for the Executive Council and Congress within the mandate of DRA and, in particular, the Regional Offices for Africa and Least Developed Countries;
Establish new, and maintain existing partnerships and work with regional and subregional groups, including the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD), the Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA), the Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), the AGRHYMET Regional Centre, the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC), the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and the Niger Basin Authority (NBA), in the implementation of meteorological, hydrological, and environmental programmes and attend their meetings, as appropriate.
Provide technical support in the organization of the annual meetings of Directors/Heads of NMHSs in each subgroup and the work of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (ANCOMET);
Support the organization of WMO regional events such as seminars, workshops, technical conferences and other activities planned by the technical departments and participate, as necessary, in these events. Some of these include the work of the RA I Management Group and Working Groups.
Provide support to training events at the Regional Training Centres (RTCs) in Algeria, Niger and Nigeria and assist the Education and Training (ETR) Office in the management of WMO Fellows; Represent WMO at meetings in countries in the subregion.
Participate in all relevant meetings of the United Nations Office in Abuja and other relevant conferences. Further keep abreast with the programmes of development partners in the subregion and seek partnerships with these organizations for development of NMHSs.
Keep close liaison with the UN Resident Coordinator; Carry out the financial and administrative functions of the WMO Office in Abuja; Support the president and vice-president of Regional Association I in their duties; Carry out other relevant duties as required. ________________

WMO Representative for North, Central and West Africa, Abuja, Nigeria

POST WMO Representative for North, Central and West Africa
DUTY STATION Abuja, Nigeria with possibility of relocation
COMMENCEMENT OF DUTY 15 March 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter
NATURE OF APPOINTMENT Fixed-term of two years with possibility of renewal pending satisfactory performance after an initial probationary period of one year, which can be extended up to a maximum of two years
Regional Office for Africa Development and Regional Activities (DRA) Department DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (see reverse side)
Applications from suitably qualified female and male candidates are equally welcome. The statutory retirement age after 1 January 2014 is 65. For external applicants, only those who are expected to complete the term of appointment will normally be considered.
  • Advanced university degree in meteorology, hydrology or climatology, atmospheric sciences or a closely related field. Additional training in international cooperation and project management would be an advantage.
  • Experience At least eight years of national and international progressively responsible experience in management, preferably in a National Meteorological Service or a related environmental institution. Knowledge of United Nations structures and working processes.
  • Good understanding of WMO. Record of participation in WMO meetings, workshops or working groups would be an advantage.
  • Experience in planning and organizing meetings, in developing, implementing and managing projects and programmes at the regional, national and international levels, including capacity building programmes and resource mobilization initiatives.
  • Other requirements Sense of responsibility, maturity of judgement and initiative.
  • Ability to plan, organize and manage.
  • Ability to maintain discussions with Senior National Officials of the Region. Strong sense of diplomacy and tact are required.
  • Awareness of the needs of Members in the Region; knowledge of WMO Programmes and evolving development policies.
  • Good knowledge of project formulation and project management.
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office applications.
  • Good communication skills and strong focus on strategic and operational planning and international relations.
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment.
  • Excellent knowledge of English and French and a good working knowledge of the other official languages of the Organization would be an advantage. (Note: the working languages of the WMO Secretariat are English and French.
  • The official languages of the Organization are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.)
The Secretary-General may appoint a candidate at a grade below the advertised grade of the post, with the possibility of promotion to that grade within three years of appointment, subject to satisfactory appraisal of performance.
Annual net base salary on initial appointment is US$ 72,467 for staff members with dependants US$ 67,483 for staff members without dependants Annual post adjustment on initial salary is US$ 55,582 for staff members with dependants US$ 51,759 for staff members without dependants This post adjustment, which is subject to change without notice, is paid in addition to the net basic salary.
Applications should be made on the WMO Personal History Form (forms from other UN agencies will not be accepted), which may be obtained from the WMO Secretariat on request or downloaded from the Internet at and should be addressed under confidential cover to: The Chief, Human Resources Division, World Meteorological Organization, P.O. Box 2300, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Do not send your application via multiple routes. Due to the expected volume of applications, receipt of applications cannot be acknowledged individually. Only applicants in whom WMO has a further interest will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit a written test and/or an interview. Date of issue of vacancy notice: 4 November 2013
Under the guidance of the Director, Offices for Africa and Least Developed Countries and the overall supervision of the Director, Development and Regional Activities (DRA) Department, the incumbent will perform the following duties:
(a) Contribute to the implementation of resource mobilization activities within the subregion and the promotion of resource mobilization activities of the WMO Offices in coordination with other technical departments and through collaboration with regional and international organizations, including regional development partners;
Assist Members in the subregion in the preparation of Strategic Development Plans, identification of requirements and resources for the further strengthening and development of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and in the formulation of relevant project proposals and implementation of these projects in support of the Services, and to maintain updated country profiles;
Participate in the organization of sessions of Regional Association I and follow-up actions in the implementation of decisions with regard to the implementation of the Regional Programme in the subregion. Contribute to the preparation of documents for the Executive Council and Congress within the mandate of DRA and, in particular, the Regional Offices for Africa and Least Developed Countries;
Establish new, and maintain existing partnerships and work with regional and subregional groups, including the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD), the Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA), the Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), the AGRHYMET Regional Centre, the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC), the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and the Niger Basin Authority (NBA), in the implementation of meteorological, hydrological, and environmental programmes and attend their meetings, as appropriate.
Provide technical support in the organization of the annual meetings of Directors/Heads of NMHSs in each subgroup and the work of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (ANCOMET);
Support the organization of WMO regional events such as seminars, workshops, technical conferences and other activities planned by the technical departments and participate, as necessary, in these events. Some of these include the work of the RA I Management Group and Working Groups.
Provide support to training events at the Regional Training Centres (RTCs) in Algeria, Niger and Nigeria and assist the Education and Training (ETR) Office in the management of WMO Fellows; Represent WMO at meetings in countries in the subregion.
Participate in all relevant meetings of the United Nations Office in Abuja and other relevant conferences. Further keep abreast with the programmes of development partners in the subregion and seek partnerships with these organizations for development of NMHSs.
Keep close liaison with the UN Resident Coordinator; Carry out the financial and administrative functions of the WMO Office in Abuja; Support the president and vice-president of Regional Association I in their duties; Carry out other relevant duties as required. ________________

WMO Representative for North, Central and West Africa, Abuja, Nigeria

POST WMO Representative for North, Central and West Africa
DUTY STATION Abuja, Nigeria with possibility of relocation
COMMENCEMENT OF DUTY 15 March 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter
NATURE OF APPOINTMENT Fixed-term of two years with possibility of renewal pending satisfactory performance after an initial probationary period of one year, which can be extended up to a maximum of two years
Regional Office for Africa Development and Regional Activities (DRA) Department DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (see reverse side)
Applications from suitably qualified female and male candidates are equally welcome. The statutory retirement age after 1 January 2014 is 65. For external applicants, only those who are expected to complete the term of appointment will normally be considered.
  • Advanced university degree in meteorology, hydrology or climatology, atmospheric sciences or a closely related field. Additional training in international cooperation and project management would be an advantage.
  • Experience At least eight years of national and international progressively responsible experience in management, preferably in a National Meteorological Service or a related environmental institution. Knowledge of United Nations structures and working processes.
  • Good understanding of WMO. Record of participation in WMO meetings, workshops or working groups would be an advantage.
  • Experience in planning and organizing meetings, in developing, implementing and managing projects and programmes at the regional, national and international levels, including capacity building programmes and resource mobilization initiatives.
  • Other requirements Sense of responsibility, maturity of judgement and initiative.
  • Ability to plan, organize and manage.
  • Ability to maintain discussions with Senior National Officials of the Region. Strong sense of diplomacy and tact are required.
  • Awareness of the needs of Members in the Region; knowledge of WMO Programmes and evolving development policies.
  • Good knowledge of project formulation and project management.
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office applications.
  • Good communication skills and strong focus on strategic and operational planning and international relations.
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment.
  • Excellent knowledge of English and French and a good working knowledge of the other official languages of the Organization would be an advantage. (Note: the working languages of the WMO Secretariat are English and French.
  • The official languages of the Organization are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.)
The Secretary-General may appoint a candidate at a grade below the advertised grade of the post, with the possibility of promotion to that grade within three years of appointment, subject to satisfactory appraisal of performance.
Annual net base salary on initial appointment is US$ 72,467 for staff members with dependants US$ 67,483 for staff members without dependants Annual post adjustment on initial salary is US$ 55,582 for staff members with dependants US$ 51,759 for staff members without dependants This post adjustment, which is subject to change without notice, is paid in addition to the net basic salary.
Applications should be made on the WMO Personal History Form (forms from other UN agencies will not be accepted), which may be obtained from the WMO Secretariat on request or downloaded from the Internet at and should be addressed under confidential cover to: The Chief, Human Resources Division, World Meteorological Organization, P.O. Box 2300, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Do not send your application via multiple routes. Due to the expected volume of applications, receipt of applications cannot be acknowledged individually. Only applicants in whom WMO has a further interest will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit a written test and/or an interview. Date of issue of vacancy notice: 4 November 2013
Under the guidance of the Director, Offices for Africa and Least Developed Countries and the overall supervision of the Director, Development and Regional Activities (DRA) Department, the incumbent will perform the following duties:
(a) Contribute to the implementation of resource mobilization activities within the subregion and the promotion of resource mobilization activities of the WMO Offices in coordination with other technical departments and through collaboration with regional and international organizations, including regional development partners;
Assist Members in the subregion in the preparation of Strategic Development Plans, identification of requirements and resources for the further strengthening and development of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and in the formulation of relevant project proposals and implementation of these projects in support of the Services, and to maintain updated country profiles;
Participate in the organization of sessions of Regional Association I and follow-up actions in the implementation of decisions with regard to the implementation of the Regional Programme in the subregion. Contribute to the preparation of documents for the Executive Council and Congress within the mandate of DRA and, in particular, the Regional Offices for Africa and Least Developed Countries;
Establish new, and maintain existing partnerships and work with regional and subregional groups, including the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD), the Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA), the Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), the AGRHYMET Regional Centre, the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC), the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and the Niger Basin Authority (NBA), in the implementation of meteorological, hydrological, and environmental programmes and attend their meetings, as appropriate.
Provide technical support in the organization of the annual meetings of Directors/Heads of NMHSs in each subgroup and the work of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (ANCOMET);
Support the organization of WMO regional events such as seminars, workshops, technical conferences and other activities planned by the technical departments and participate, as necessary, in these events. Some of these include the work of the RA I Management Group and Working Groups.
Provide support to training events at the Regional Training Centres (RTCs) in Algeria, Niger and Nigeria and assist the Education and Training (ETR) Office in the management of WMO Fellows; Represent WMO at meetings in countries in the subregion.
Participate in all relevant meetings of the United Nations Office in Abuja and other relevant conferences. Further keep abreast with the programmes of development partners in the subregion and seek partnerships with these organizations for development of NMHSs.
Keep close liaison with the UN Resident Coordinator; Carry out the financial and administrative functions of the WMO Office in Abuja; Support the president and vice-president of Regional Association I in their duties; Carry out other relevant duties as required. ________________

Chief of Party, Nigeria

Nigeria – Chief of Party
Education for Development Division
Creative Associates International (Creative) is a dynamic and fast-growing professional services firm that specializes in international development in the areas of education, democratic transitions and stabilization in post-conflict environments. Based in Washington, D.C., the firm has field presence in 20 countries worldwide with a strong and diverse portfolio that includes global contracts with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other clients including the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Defense. The firm has earned a solid reputation among its clients and missions worldwide and is well-regarded by competitors and partners alike.
Project Description:
The anticipated project will focus on more than ten million out of school children in Nigeria. The project aims at expanding access to basic quality education for out of school children.
Position Start Date: Anticipated in 2013
Position Summary:
The COP will be the technical and administrative supervisor of all project activities and will be the senior in-country project representative with overall responsibility for supervising project staff and managing relations with partners and sub-contractors (both international and local). The COP will coordinate program activities among a diverse group of stakeholders and beneficiaries, including students, parents, teachers, school officials, Central and State Ministries of Education and USAID personnel. The COP will ensure timely project implementation and technical reliability, monitor project activities, manage project staff and subsidiaries at the various project sites, and ensure quality. The COP has ultimate responsibility for financial accountability and reporting to USAID and the Creative home office.
Reporting & Supervision: The Chief of Party reports to the Program Director at Creative headquarters.
Primary Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for overall technical and financial performance of the contract.
  • Manages/leads in-country staff to ensure that the project is achieving all deliverables.
  • Ensures that technical, financial, and administrative activities are carried out according to USAID and Creative's policies and procedures.
  • Works in partnership with the Project Director.
  • Engages in frequent, routine communication with the Home Office so that the Project director is aware of both progress and potential issues, and solicits assistance and input as needed to ensure that performance meets or exceeds technical and financial contractual requirements.
  • Manages subcontractors to ensure that their performance meets or exceeds technical and financial contractual requirements.
  • Responsible for maintaining and nurturing Creative's relationship with USAID, communicating at a minimum on a weekly basis.
  • Responsible for successfully managing the project's relationship with local governments/ministries and other stakeholders.
  • Prepares quarterly and annual reports.
  • Oversees creation and implementation of project monitoring and evaluation activities.
  • Oversees the production of brochures, success stories, and other materials to promote the program's successes with USAID and the broader development community.
  • Supports implementation of Creative's security protocols and provides leadership in handling security-related issues. Addresses local staffing and personnel issues related to security.
  • Maintains a working knowledge of project financials, working with and supporting the Finance Manager to ensure that appropriate systems and procedures are in place and being followed.
Required Skills & Qualifications:
  • Minimum of a Master's degree in education or related field, PhD/EdD preferred
  • Minimum of 10 years' experience in implementing and managing education improvement programs in developing countries
  • Previous COP experience
  • Experience in East Africa, particularly South Sudan, strongly desired
  • Successful previous experience with USAID and/or other donors and familiarity with USAID policies and procedures
  • Strong teamwork and management skills
  • Demonstrated exemplary diplomatic, communication, and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent oral and written English.
Creative Associates International is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/V/D .

Chief of Party, Nigeria

Nigeria – Chief of Party
Education for Development Division
Creative Associates International (Creative) is a dynamic and fast-growing professional services firm that specializes in international development in the areas of education, democratic transitions and stabilization in post-conflict environments. Based in Washington, D.C., the firm has field presence in 20 countries worldwide with a strong and diverse portfolio that includes global contracts with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other clients including the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Defense. The firm has earned a solid reputation among its clients and missions worldwide and is well-regarded by competitors and partners alike.
Project Description:
The anticipated project will focus on more than ten million out of school children in Nigeria. The project aims at expanding access to basic quality education for out of school children.
Position Start Date: Anticipated in 2013
Position Summary:
The COP will be the technical and administrative supervisor of all project activities and will be the senior in-country project representative with overall responsibility for supervising project staff and managing relations with partners and sub-contractors (both international and local). The COP will coordinate program activities among a diverse group of stakeholders and beneficiaries, including students, parents, teachers, school officials, Central and State Ministries of Education and USAID personnel. The COP will ensure timely project implementation and technical reliability, monitor project activities, manage project staff and subsidiaries at the various project sites, and ensure quality. The COP has ultimate responsibility for financial accountability and reporting to USAID and the Creative home office.
Reporting & Supervision: The Chief of Party reports to the Program Director at Creative headquarters.
Primary Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for overall technical and financial performance of the contract.
  • Manages/leads in-country staff to ensure that the project is achieving all deliverables.
  • Ensures that technical, financial, and administrative activities are carried out according to USAID and Creative's policies and procedures.
  • Works in partnership with the Project Director.
  • Engages in frequent, routine communication with the Home Office so that the Project director is aware of both progress and potential issues, and solicits assistance and input as needed to ensure that performance meets or exceeds technical and financial contractual requirements.
  • Manages subcontractors to ensure that their performance meets or exceeds technical and financial contractual requirements.
  • Responsible for maintaining and nurturing Creative's relationship with USAID, communicating at a minimum on a weekly basis.
  • Responsible for successfully managing the project's relationship with local governments/ministries and other stakeholders.
  • Prepares quarterly and annual reports.
  • Oversees creation and implementation of project monitoring and evaluation activities.
  • Oversees the production of brochures, success stories, and other materials to promote the program's successes with USAID and the broader development community.
  • Supports implementation of Creative's security protocols and provides leadership in handling security-related issues. Addresses local staffing and personnel issues related to security.
  • Maintains a working knowledge of project financials, working with and supporting the Finance Manager to ensure that appropriate systems and procedures are in place and being followed.
Required Skills & Qualifications:
  • Minimum of a Master's degree in education or related field, PhD/EdD preferred
  • Minimum of 10 years' experience in implementing and managing education improvement programs in developing countries
  • Previous COP experience
  • Experience in East Africa, particularly South Sudan, strongly desired
  • Successful previous experience with USAID and/or other donors and familiarity with USAID policies and procedures
  • Strong teamwork and management skills
  • Demonstrated exemplary diplomatic, communication, and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent oral and written English.
Creative Associates International is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/V/D .

Chief of Party, Nigeria

Nigeria – Chief of Party
Education for Development Division
Creative Associates International (Creative) is a dynamic and fast-growing professional services firm that specializes in international development in the areas of education, democratic transitions and stabilization in post-conflict environments. Based in Washington, D.C., the firm has field presence in 20 countries worldwide with a strong and diverse portfolio that includes global contracts with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other clients including the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Defense. The firm has earned a solid reputation among its clients and missions worldwide and is well-regarded by competitors and partners alike.
Project Description:
The anticipated project will focus on more than ten million out of school children in Nigeria. The project aims at expanding access to basic quality education for out of school children.
Position Start Date: Anticipated in 2013
Position Summary:
The COP will be the technical and administrative supervisor of all project activities and will be the senior in-country project representative with overall responsibility for supervising project staff and managing relations with partners and sub-contractors (both international and local). The COP will coordinate program activities among a diverse group of stakeholders and beneficiaries, including students, parents, teachers, school officials, Central and State Ministries of Education and USAID personnel. The COP will ensure timely project implementation and technical reliability, monitor project activities, manage project staff and subsidiaries at the various project sites, and ensure quality. The COP has ultimate responsibility for financial accountability and reporting to USAID and the Creative home office.
Reporting & Supervision: The Chief of Party reports to the Program Director at Creative headquarters.
Primary Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for overall technical and financial performance of the contract.
  • Manages/leads in-country staff to ensure that the project is achieving all deliverables.
  • Ensures that technical, financial, and administrative activities are carried out according to USAID and Creative's policies and procedures.
  • Works in partnership with the Project Director.
  • Engages in frequent, routine communication with the Home Office so that the Project director is aware of both progress and potential issues, and solicits assistance and input as needed to ensure that performance meets or exceeds technical and financial contractual requirements.
  • Manages subcontractors to ensure that their performance meets or exceeds technical and financial contractual requirements.
  • Responsible for maintaining and nurturing Creative's relationship with USAID, communicating at a minimum on a weekly basis.
  • Responsible for successfully managing the project's relationship with local governments/ministries and other stakeholders.
  • Prepares quarterly and annual reports.
  • Oversees creation and implementation of project monitoring and evaluation activities.
  • Oversees the production of brochures, success stories, and other materials to promote the program's successes with USAID and the broader development community.
  • Supports implementation of Creative's security protocols and provides leadership in handling security-related issues. Addresses local staffing and personnel issues related to security.
  • Maintains a working knowledge of project financials, working with and supporting the Finance Manager to ensure that appropriate systems and procedures are in place and being followed.
Required Skills & Qualifications:
  • Minimum of a Master's degree in education or related field, PhD/EdD preferred
  • Minimum of 10 years' experience in implementing and managing education improvement programs in developing countries
  • Previous COP experience
  • Experience in East Africa, particularly South Sudan, strongly desired
  • Successful previous experience with USAID and/or other donors and familiarity with USAID policies and procedures
  • Strong teamwork and management skills
  • Demonstrated exemplary diplomatic, communication, and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent oral and written English.
Creative Associates International is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/V/D .

Assistant Technical Officer, Nigeria

The Assistant Technical Officers will provide technical and programmatic support to implement high quality care and support activities with primary focus on TB and integrated medical services at the state level. Minimum Recruitment Standards:
MBBS with minimum of 1 year relevant experience in TB and integrated medical services.
Bsc. Nursing, Public health, Pharmacy or other closely related field with 1-3 years' experience in TB and integrated medical services.
Familiarity with Nigerian public sector health systems and NGOs and CBOs is highly desirable.

Senior Research Assistant with the Emerging Vaccines under the Centre for Vaccine Sciences, Dhaka

Application Deadline: 13 November 2013
Senior Research Assistant with the Emerging Vaccines under the Centre for Vaccine Sciences (Advertisement #388/13)
icddr,b invites applications from suitable female candidates for the position of Senior Research Assistantwith the Emerging Vaccines under the Centre for Vaccine Sciences. Appointment will be made on a Contractual Service Agreement (CSA) basis for 11 months, but may be extended for further period depending on availability of funds and satisfactory performance.
Duty Station – Dhaka
Salary - Tk. 25,412.00/- (consolidated) per month inclusive of house rent and conveyance allowances. No other benefit is admissible.
Job Profile
  • Conduct Psychological Test & Maternal Depression Assessment:Identify the study participants; Motivate the study participants and their parents to enroll; Conduct different type of psychological test; Evaluate the outcome of the tests; Determine the level if IQ basing on the performance of the tests ; Motivate the mothers to participate in the project activity; Interview the study patients (the mothers) following the prescribed questionnaire; Asses the mothers stage of depression basing on the interview; Quality check of the data in order to ensure the IQ of the study participants.
  • Data Management: Enter specimen and patient data into Laboratory Information Management System; Input test results into database; Verify a random sample of data entered; Generate critical value list; Take action on critical value list; Release results to patients, clinicians, institutes, etc. in order to capture and provide complete and accurate information for further use.
  • People Management: Conduct technical and/or behavioural interviews; Adhere to gender diversity guidelines of the organization; Provide for an equitable environment for the development and growth of all team members; Direct and guide team leaders on resolving member complaints; Set goals, conduct appraisals and confront poor performance in a positive manner; Identify, mentor and reward high performers; Organize for training of team members; Recommend promotions in order to build and develop an engaged and high performing team.
Education and Relevant Experience:
  • Masters in Psychology;
  • 3 years of work experience in relevant field;
Functional Competencies:
  • Knowledge of Ethical Guidelines;
Behavioral Competencies:
  • Can maintain collegiality in the work place;
  • Can foster partnerships;
  • Able to communicate effectively;
  • Must have innovative thinking skill;
  • Able to execute for results;
  • Able to adopt with continuous learning.
Interested candidates who fulfill the requirements should submit online applications using icddr,b website: by November 13, 2013. Internal candidates must mention their identification numbers in the applications.
Special information
icddr,b is an equal opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications from women candidates. Any persuasion will disqualify the candidature. Only short listed candidates shall be invited for the interview. All tests and interviews will be held in Dhaka.