Position DUS
Title: CIVIL ENGINEER (Myanmar National)
Station: Sittwe Sittwe, MraukU, Min Bya and Kyauk Taw
Position: 2
Type: 4 months
Locution: Project
Deadline No of Employe: 16 0ctober 2013
CDN [Consortium of D+tch N60's) is an International NG} with M7U signed with Ministry of Duties and Respost &Hygiene (WASA), Rice Bank Construction, School Renovation, Dom Construction and Access Road Construction with proiect in CDN project areas and to ensure proposal objectives are met within the appropriate time lines and that the quality/outcome ore within the overall budget and meet CDN qualiry stundards.
1. To supervise/direct the civil Works according to the Donor/Cluster Design;
2. To monitor the progress of the works by comparing the actual progrltt with the approved progress of the works and to recommend the Contractor the appropriote measures to be taken, in case the works ore behind schedule;
3. To arrange and take part to regular site progress meetings by liaising with the municipalities' representatives;
4, To Advise the supplier/Beneficiary on possible ways to ovoid unforeseen extra expenditures for the project;
5. To Liaise under the technical and contractual aspects with the Contracting Authority, for a smooth and effective progress and successful completion of the works;
6. To carry out any other task related to the Direction and Supervision of the works as may be requested by the Donor/Cluster.
Technical 1versee technical design and execution ofthe CDN Construction project activities.
Ensure the work meets quali4t standards and budget,log and timing requirements.frame Ensure the quality of the construction of alt CDN construction projects ore meet infrastructure, ensuring good maintenance and sustainable processes are put in place. Develop and maintain good working relationships with the WASH cluster leads, other NG}s conducting WASH proiects and other agencies working in the areas of project implementation.
- Graduated from Civil engineer or Bachelor of Civit Engineer
- At least 3 years experience in doing Construction work for NGO/\NG7 and
Cash For Work Activity. Willingness and capacity to trqvel out of Sittwe including to the project areas in the Rakhine State,
spreadsheets. Proven trock record of quality performance in highty pressured environments.
Demonstrated strongt interpersonal skills, sound judgment, planning and team work. Highly developed analytical and communication skill, Including good oral and written communication skills Bengali Language will be on advantage.
Competence in using information technology including AUTO CAD, word-processing and
Interested and qualifu applicants should submit comprehensive application with a cover letter to CDN Sittwe Office No.99, fiii Htaung Su RoaQ North San $ta ward, fui Daw Thar Qtr, Sittwee Township..Attn Daw Naing Soe Aye, Sittwe, Rakhine State (or) by e-mail to: cdn.humanresources @gmail,com.
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