Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization
Country: YemenClosing date: 04 Nov 2013
Under the general guidance of the FAO Representative (FAOR), the supervision by the Chief Technical Adviser (CTA) of the Food Security Information Systems (FSIS) in Yemen and in coordination with the Food Security Information Specialist, the Coordinator of the Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS) and the Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa (RNE) and relevant FAO headquarters Lead Technical Unit and Lead technical Officer (LTU/LTO), the Nutrition Officer will provide support in the implementation of the programme.
In particular, the incumbent will:
- Expand data collection and analysis processes led by Governmental institutions and other key partners and ensure that the various nutrition databases are maintained and updated with relevant information;
- Provide advice on food and nutrition security coordination mechanism(s) at a National and Governorate level;
- Participate in and support policy review processes related to food and nutrition security in collaboration with the Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS), the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and other relevant government partners, to ensure nutritional problems and the right to food are adequately addressed in national and sub-national policies, strategies and plans;
- Identify capacity deficits among staff members in FSTS and other government institutions and provide nutrition trainings;
- Provide guidance and technical support to FSTS staff to incorporate nutrition objectives and activities in all relevant FAO projects (at formulation and implementation stage);
- Contribute to the monitoring of budget and accounts and prepare and submit monthly, quarterly and annual reports on nutrition activities to the CTA;
- Contribute to the development and implementation of specific research initiatives and to the production and dissemination of food security and nutrition information through the FSIS's ad-hock and routine publications and, other information products;
- Represent FAO/FSIS project in the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement in Yemen, interagency cluster and relevant working groups (nutrition, health and food security) meetings as dictated by the project CTA and in line with key areas of interest and research, and support the development of structures to improve contextual information availability, through increasing coordination and liaison with other sectors parts, such as the SUN movement in Yemen;
- Monitor communication with partners in relation to assessment planning and analysis – linked to improved coordination at all levels;
- Perform other duties as required.
Candidates should meet the following:
- Advanced university degree in social science, with a specialisation in food and nutrition security or a related field
- Five years of experience in food and nutrition security analysis, policies and programmes and in capacity development for food and nutrition security
- Working knowledge of English
Candidates will be assessed against the following:
- Extent and relevance of experience in food security and nutrition monitoring and analysis
- Demonstrated experience in supporting, advising and monitoring training processes on food security and nutrition analysis
- Demonstrated experience in implementing a variety of analytical methodologies and techniques related to food security
- Demonstrated experience in establishing and maintaining partnership with UN agencies, NGOs, governmental and media agencies
- Ability to plan, organise, implement and report on work
- Relevant work experience in countries in emergency situations
- Excellent communication skills in English, both orally and in writing, and ability to draft technical reports in English
- Limited knowledge of Arabic would be an advantage
Please note that all candidates should possess computer/word processing skills and should be capable of working with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, click on the following link:
How to apply:
TO APPLY: Carefully read and follow the Guidelines to applicants
Send your application to:
V.A. FNYAR-942-13-PRJ Operations Unit 11 El Eslah El Zerai Street, Dokki 12311 Cairo, Egypt PO Box 2223, Cairo Fax No: 002 02 37495981; 002 02 33373419 E-mail:
This vacancy is open to male and female candidates. Applications from qualified women candidates and applications from qualified candidates from non/under-represented member states are encouraged. Please note that FAO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Director-General and may be assigned to any activities or office of the organization.
Examine carefully how relevant your qualifications are by reviewing the Duties & Responsibilities of the position and the requirements that are needed in order to perform the job successfully.
Please provide a completed FAO Personal History Form, found on the Internet site.
Your application should be typewritten (where possible), signed and dated.
Clearly indicate in the appropriate box on the Personal History Form and on the front of your application, the title of the post and the Vacancy Number.Submit a separate application for each position for which you are applying.Send your application to the address (mail, e-mail, or fax) indicated on the Vacancy Announcement.Internal candidates should provide 10 copies of their application.
Applicants will be contacted directly if selected for an interview.
Please list the languages with which you are familiar, beginning with your mother tongue, indicating the extent of your knowledge as:
Excellent/Good = Working knowledge: You will be expected to work independently using the language required, to prepare a variety of written communications (correspondence, reports, working papers, etc...), to participate actively in meetings and in work-related discussions, etc.
Fair = Limited knowledge: You will be expected to follow work related discussions or meetings, even though you may wish to intervene in another official language. You will be expected to participate in simple conversations, to use the telephone, to read and understand work-related texts and to write simple communications, etc.Slight
Indicate your word processing skills and knowledge of database/spreadsheet (e.g. Excel, Access), or any other office automation software known and used.
If applicable, specify your work experience in data entry/retrieval and programming skills. Indicate knowledge of programming languages and operating systems.
Starting with the present and going back in time, please give details of:
Period of study with name and location of the academic institution,
Title of study obtained, both in the original language and in English, indicating the subject(s) of specialisation and year degree* was/is to be awarded,List any other relevant training or formal education that may be relevant to your application.
If selected for an interview, you will be expected to provide FAO with certified copies of your academic qualifications.
- A university degree is a title of study substantiated by at least 3 years of full time study (equivalent to a BA or BSc) from a bona fide institution. An advanced university degree is equivalent to a Master's degree.
Relevant professional experience is counted from the time of attainment of the first relevant degree.
Endeavour to demonstrate how your experience meets the requirements of the post.
If applicable, give the number of publications and provide a list and the dates of the most relevant publications.
Provide samples of written work only upon request.
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