I. Position Information
Job Code Title: Programme Clerk (PIO and ERF Units)
Pre-classified Grade: G-4
Supervisor: PIO/ Reports Officer
II. Organizational Context
Under the guidance and supervision of the Public Information Officer and the direct supervisionof the Reports Officer, the Programme Clerk provides support to Public Information andAdvocacy Unit as well as the Emergency Response Fund (ERF) unit. He/ She performs a varietyof standard administrative processes and ensuring high quality and accuracy of work. TheProgramme clerk promotes a client, quality and results-oriented approach.The Programme clerk works in close collaboration with the Operations, Programme and fieldOffice staff in the Country Office and other UN agencies staff to exchange information andensure consistent service delivery.
III. Functions / Key Results Expected
Summary of Key Functions:
- Support to effective and efficient functioning of the humanitarian financing, advocacy andcommunications units;
- Provision of administrative services;
Support PI and ERF activities;Support to knowledge building and knowledge sharing
1. Supports the functions of humanitarian financing, advocacy and communications unitthrough the following duties:
Liaises with the Government, UN, I/LNGOs partners and the sector leads to ensuretimely sharing of inputs to OCHA needed for reporting and communications;
Provides support to Reports Officer and Fund Manager in compilation of inputs andensures necessary follow up with partners for additional information/clarification if needed;
Monitors media, including social media and shares relevant information, through thesupervisor, with other units in the office;
Supports the units in preparation of meetings, workshops and public events as directed bythe supervisor, including Humanitarian Country Team, ERF Advisory Board and donormeetings as well as for special events;
Maintains files and updates records related to project activities;
Maintains and shares public documents, including reports, briefing kits, leaflets,contracts, posters and OCHA publication for dissemination as directed by the supervisor;
1 Liaises with the Admin unit for required procurement process of the project inputs;
Conducts field visits to support project monitoring.
2. Ensures effective and efficient Administrative support to the PI and ERF units focusing onthe achievement of the following results:
Liaises with the Administration unit on travel arrangements for the PI and ERF team,ensure signing of internal travel authorizations, signing of PT8, travel claims and timelysecurity clearances;
Provides administrative support to conferences, workshops, retreats;
Files documents as will be required ;
Follows up with the Liaison and Administration units on obtaining visa, extension of thetheir stay permit and regular follow up activity, and arrange airport pick up and hotelreservation;
Drafts e-mail messages, fax messages, office memo, correspondences with lineministries, including preparation of statistics table as advised by the Representation;
Liaises with the Admin unit for required procurement process of the field offices.
3. Provides support to knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the field office andCountry office, focusing on achievement of the following results:Participates in the trainings for the operations/projects staff on administration;Contributes to knowledge networks and communities of practice;Liaises with other agencies to support lessons learning on project matter
4. Performs other duties as required, assigned by the supervisor.
IV. Impact of Results
The key results have an impact on the accurate, safe and timely operation and coordination of thefield office and country office services.
V. Competencies and Critical Success Factors
Corporate Competencies:
- Demonstrates commitment to OCHA's mission, vision and values.
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
Functional Competencies:
- Knowledge Management and Learning
- Shares knowledge and experience
- Provides helpful feedback and advice to others in the office
- Development and Operational Effectiveness
- Ability to perform a variety of standard tasks related to front desk service, telephonecommunications service, meeting scheduling and updating of staff information
- Ability to review a variety of data, identify and adjust discrepancies, identify and resolveoperational problems
- Ability to perform work of confidential nature and handle a large volume of work
- Ability to provide input to business processes re-engineering, implementation of new systems
- Leadership and Self-Management
- Focuses on result for the clientConsistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
- Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of views
VI. Recruitment Qualifications
Completion of secondary education. Certification in administration desirable. UniversityDegree in Communications or related Social Science is desirable, but it isnot a requirement.
4 years of relevant administrative experience. Experience in theusage of computers and office software packages (MS Word,Excel, etc.). Experience with UNs/INGOs will be an advantage.
Language Requirements:
Fluency in the language of the duty station, Good written andspoken English and Myanmar.3
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